Archive for el salvador

Caguama Beer?

Posted in Beer with tags , , , , on August 7, 2009 by aupamexi

First thoughts? Whats a turtle doing on the label… ummm.. the can looks like a Soda pop, minus the fact that you cant read espanol, ok.

Well, Many confuse it with being a Mexican beer, why because it taste good and is sold in some imported beer sections.

Sorry to burst the bubble of confusion but it comes from El Salvador, a tiny central american country, to my knowledge..”the best thing to come out of El Salvador.”

I don’t know much about El Salvador period… other than the bloody civil wars of the 1990s, MS-13, and their national soccer team…affectionately known as “La Selecta”

Caguama is a awesome beer…. here are some of its accomplishments

SILVER MEDAL, Monde Selection, 2008

SILVER MEDAL, Monde Selection, 2007
GOLD MEDAL, Monde Selection, 2006

As it is said to learn about a country or a people… you must first indulge one self in its culture, food and drink…

Well, here are my baby steps into El Salvadorean culture… I highly recommend this to you also.

You can find it in these fine stores:

Dillons, Food4Less,Kroger, Ralph’s, Smith’s, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, QFC, Scott’scaguama